Transgenderism. Detection and action as prevention of gender violence

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José Daniel Álvarez Teruel
Carlota González Gómez
Salvador Grau Company


At a time when society is so sensitive to everyday violence that it is constantly threatening our coexistence (gender violence, school violence, etc.), it is necessary to seek answers to the state of the issue and to propose ideas that can help to improve the situation. It is generally felt that an adequate way to address this problem is prevention, understood as an early action to raise awareness in the consolidation of a series of non-negotiable values for the human condition. And from this point of view we inevitably refer to the family and school environment. If we talk about gender and school violence, both themes can be found in schools around, among others, a relatively new and little studied concept: transgenderism. We are not yet ready to accept the ambiguity in the sexual identification and it is a topic that has been taboo and at the moment it becomes current. Since the human being seeks his sexual identity in the first years of existence can generate episodes of violence that will mark his life. And these situations occur in school. A protocol of action should be established to know how to handle a possible case of transgender within the school. There is very little information about this topic. After a conceptual delimitation and a bibliographic study on the subject, a field study was carried out with the elaboration and application of a questionnaire to 104 people and interviewing two people with this situation. This study will show us that we are dealing with a very little work that is gradually opening up and for which prevention it is necessary to have protocols of action in educational centers that avoid episodes of violence.

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How to Cite

Transgenderism. Detection and action as prevention of gender violence. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 111-118.


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