The tutorial action as accompaniment in university students with disabilities: towards an inclusive education
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The current situation of disability analyzed from the university regulatory framework give us a starting point to achieve an inclusive education. The current Organic Law 4/2007 of 12 April (LOMLOU) establishes in its Preamble the promotion of active policies to guarantee equal opportunities for people with disabilities. The twenty-fourth additional provision under the title of the inclusion of persons with disabilities in universities presents a series of preliminary considerations for the elaboration of plans for persons with special educational needs. These considerations would go to the fulfillment of precepts such as: equality of opportunities, non-discrimination, provision of resources and support, accessibility and diversity training. Turning the educational environments characterized as disabling in inclusive is a complicated but not impossible task that in the present moment we can not stop solving by the presence of the disability in the university context. The objective of this research has been to design a system of indicators as an evaluation tool that determines personal and contextual variables that can help or difficult the inclusion of university students. The results of the system of indicators developed show how from the tutorial action can be carried out a list of accompanying actions that can produce the inclusion of university students with disabilities. We conclude with a bet for the tutorial action as a tool that will cover in this students a greater academic follow-up. It will produce an improvement of the quality of their performance and in an academic professional orientation for the attention to their personal project.
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