Sports practice in people with disabilities: personal motivation, inclusion and health

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Eva Mª Muñoz Jiménez
Daniel Garrote Rojas
Cristina Sánchez Romero


In this article we analyze how the acquisition of sports habits affects the motivation of people with disabilities for the development of a healthy lifestyle. The participant sample presented as a case study has been 11 people with disabilities of different ages (15-64) and disability (physical, intellectual and sensory) who have since birth or accident and / or disease. The main objective of the study was to analyze the improvement of the physical condition of people through the motivation of sports to avoid sedentary lifestyle of this population and generate inclusive processes through sports. This study has analyzed the dimensions of sports habit through qualitative methodology and key informants on physical activity and lifestyle; free time; use of facilities and promotion of sports. The results show us that people who have an interest in the development of sports habits also improve their personal and social development. In addition to this, we can conclude that the motivation to practice sports in people with disabilities becomes a tool to better manage their emotions and skills and improvements in their self-esteem which they need to develop a healthy lifestyle.

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How to Cite

Sports practice in people with disabilities: personal motivation, inclusion and health. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 145-152.


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