Analysis of differences regard to use, knowledge, interest and attitudes towards new information technologies between people with and without severe mental disorders

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Carla Natalia Casiano Yanicelli
María Carmen Lozano Segura
Cristian Aguilera Ruiz
Ana Manzano León


This article compares people with severe mental disorders and people without mental disorders regard to use, knowledge, interest and attitudes towards new information technologies (ICT). In the study participated seven persons with severe mental illness, and seven persons without mental illness. The results show that there are significant intergroup differences in relation to the use, knowledge, interest and attitudes toward new information technologies.

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How to Cite

Analysis of differences regard to use, knowledge, interest and attitudes towards new information technologies between people with and without severe mental disorders. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 223-228.


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