Active lifestyle at later pregnancy and its influence on perceived mental health: the PregnActive project.

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Miguel Ángel Oviedo-Caro
Javier Bueno-Antequera
Federico París-García
Diego Munguía-Izquierdo


The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of active lifestyle on health-related quality of life and psychological symptoms perceived at later pregnancy. Ninety five pregnant women were categorized by the fulfillment of physical activity recommendations, objectively measured by multi-sensor metabolic monitor, and psychological pregnancy symptoms perception, measured by Pregnancy Symptoms Inventory. Relationship between physical activity and psychological pregnancy symptoms perception and health-related quality of life, measured by SF-36, were measured. Active group of pregnant women showed statistically significant higher mean scores of summary and three domains of mental component of SF-36, and statistically lower perceived limitation of feeling depressed and anxiety. A higher perception of frequency of psychological symptoms implies a worse perception of mental component of health-related quality of life. An active lifestyle at later pregnancy has a positive effect on perceived limitation of psychological pregnancy symptoms and mental component of health-related quality of life.

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Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Oviedo-Caro, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Departmento de Deporte e Informática, Área de Educación Física y Deportiva, Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, ES-41013 Sevilla, España.

Javier Bueno-Antequera, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Departmento de Deporte e Informática, Área de Educación Física y Deportiva, Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, ES-41013 Sevilla, España.

Federico París-García, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Departmento de Deporte e Informática, Área de Educación Física y Deportiva, Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, ES-41013 Sevilla, España.

Diego Munguía-Izquierdo, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Departmento de Deporte e Informática, Área de Educación Física y Deportiva, Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, ES-41013 Sevilla, España.

How to Cite

Active lifestyle at later pregnancy and its influence on perceived mental health: the PregnActive project. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 351-362.


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