Religious coping strategies: spirituality as a promoter of health and well-being factor

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carla Fonseca Tomás


Human life is not immune to adversity. All individuals face, at some point in their lives, situations of helplessness, incapacity and lack of resources (internal and external) to deal with potentially harmful events. Faced with the difficult circumstances of their lives, they trigger a set of resources and strategies that help them understand and deal with these critical situations. In the current historical moment, characterized by economic and social crises, religion, as a fundamental element in the orientation system of many individuals, can play a facilitating role in confronting difficulties. This article aims to focus on a particular aspect of the spiritual functioning of individuals - religious / spiritual coping - making a theoretical revision of the same and highlighting its potential as another tool for psychological adaptation and development, promoting wellness and physical health and mental, at the disposition of individuals, especially in acute situations of stress, where the perception of control is limited, and often require solutions beyond the human.

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How to Cite

Religious coping strategies: spirituality as a promoter of health and well-being factor. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 483-490.


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