Cultural diversity in psychoanalysis of couple and family - Viúvas e orphans of lives.

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Sizalda Oliveira


The achievements, the discoveries mark the History of Portugal, which is contemplated in the appropriation family. The war, the emigration, inscribe in the population a "strange desire", which turns to the outside. Men go away ... there are women and children .... The legacy is instituted family, promoting the generational impasse and the family ghost. Await the coming messianic, being trapped and prevented from accessing the affective ambivalence and the paradoxical message. Pathological links coexist with a fragile family narcissism. One lives the pseudo-security with the present-absent ghost, there is no development of the cohesive and coherent "family self" so characteristic of the "Glass Families". The vulnerabilities emotional aspects of these households inscribe in their memories traumas, guilts, and non-mentalized suffering culminating in (of) narcissistic and identity failures that, we ask: they will not be at the service of the transgenerational fantasmatic objects, to the pro-healing of meaningful and meaningful transforming dynamics?

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Author Biography

Sizalda Oliveira, Faculdade de Psicologia - Faculdade de Lisboa

Psicóloga Clínica, Doutouranda em Psicologia Clínica pela Universidade de Lisboa, Diretora de Grupo Psicodrama Psicanalítico, Psicoterapeuta psicanalítica.

How to Cite

Cultural diversity in psychoanalysis of couple and family - Viúvas e orphans of lives. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 301-308.


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