Chances in stereotypes on old age of studentes after his participation in an intergenerational project.

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Priscila V Elliott
Laura Rubio


Despite the new model of successful ageing, negative images and stereotypes of the elderly still persist. Based on the “personalization model” that proposes that intergroup contact allows the creation of a more varied perception of the outgroup, this study aimed to determine the efficacy of an Intergenerational Program on reducing negative ageing stereotypes among young participants. The negative stereotypes held by 24 students were assessed before and after the implementation of the Program (IP), and possible predictors of the outcome were studied as well. Results showed that participation in the IP produced significant changes on stereotypes; those with little or no contact with elderly people prior to the IP significantly enhanced their perspective of the elderly

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How to Cite

Chances in stereotypes on old age of studentes after his participation in an intergenerational project. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 61-68.


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