Contributions of the psychoeducational evaluation for the understanding of the errors of spelling in the portuguese language of brazil

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Susana Gakyia Caliatto
Débora Cecilio Fernandes
Fermino Fernandes Sisto


The purpose of this study was to find out the main types of error in the most difficult words, according to the analysis by the Rasch model of the Word Recognition Scale. 701 students from public and private schools from the interior of the State of São Paulo in Brazil participated in the research, of which 362 were female (52%). For the identification of the most difficult items, the estimation of the difficulty parameters of the items was made with the use of the Rasch model and the frequencies and percentages of the three response options of these items were obtained. The results indicated that the most difficult word of the Scale was "exemplo", followed by the word "informação". The average skill parameter of the students was -0.12 logit, lower than the rest of the ten words. The analysis by type of errors indicated two main characteristics for spelling, support in orality, mainly, and support in visual characteristics of writing. According to the literature, these types of errors are common among children at the beginning of the acquisition of writing, but should be overcome as familiarity with the alphabetic and orthographic system of the language increases. It is argued that the data obtained in the spelling evaluations indicate the need and the importance of planned and specific interventions in different school years and encourage the deepening of research on the overcoming of illiteracy in Brazil.

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Author Biography

Susana Gakyia Caliatto, Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí - UNIVAS pouso Alegre - Minas Gerais - Brasil

Porfesora del Máster en Educación de Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí.

How to Cite

Contributions of the psychoeducational evaluation for the understanding of the errors of spelling in the portuguese language of brazil. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 555-566.


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