Adolescents, families and groups. How to face the disease?

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María José Gordillo Montaño


Psychoeducational family interventions have a positive impact on families and reduce relapse rates in people with psychotic disorders. They will be effective in the prevention of relapses and improve social and occupational functioning but until now they have been used mainly in adults. However, the appearance of psychotic disorders is getting earlier, but the interventions in this group of younger patients do not have as much evidence as in adults, it is now when they begin to be booming. In addition to being adolescents, the impact on families will be greater, and not only will it affect them, but they also have an important role in the health care system and society.


The vast majority of adolescent patients reside with their families who automatically assume caregiving responsibilities and can find the group as a means to alleviate their current responsibilities. Teen group adaptation is designed to help improve the lives of parents or caregivers through education and social support to help de-stigmatize mental illness, generate hope, reduce family burden, and support their active participation in treatment. of his son. Consequently, utility may be more appropriate with children and adolescents and their families than adults, since it directly addresses many of the possible obstacles.

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Adolescents, families and groups. How to face the disease?. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 157-164.


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