Art and photography angular-digital, tools of social intervention and empowerment for people with dementia type alzhéimer

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Lorena López Méndez


 This proposal is part of the research project "Rebuilding daily fragments: Development of digital content of cultural scope for people with Alzheimer's and other Dementias" that is being carried out under the PIRTU Predoctoral Scholarship (ORDEN EDU / 1204/2010, of 26 August), financed by the Junta de Castilla y León and the European Social Fund. This research is part of the Project AR.S (Art and Health Alzheimer), are part, the Department of Social Psychology and Anthropology of the University of Salamanca and the Department of Didactics of Plastic Expression of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University from Madrid. The project consists of the design and implementation of artistic-educational activities and digital content, in collaboration with the State Reference Center for Attention to People with Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias of Salamanca (CRE), which will be published as a guide in the virtual space they have on their website, so that they can be used by caregivers and family members to work with this profile of people, thus improving their well-being and quality of life.

We present a series of project implementation activities in which Digital Culture is brought closer to participants through Art and Technology, as tools to understand analogue and digital concepts, through contemporary creation processes, with the aim of contributing to enjoyment, the game and the experimentation, so that they can develop their own project of artistic nature and associate concepts of the analogical culture with the digital one.

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Author Biography

Lorena López Méndez, Universidad de Salamanca

Personal investigador. Departamento Psicololgía y Antropología Universidad de Salamanca.

How to Cite

Art and photography angular-digital, tools of social intervention and empowerment for people with dementia type alzhéimer. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 67-80.


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