Alumni DSA and teachers

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Maria Forte Bice


As teacher with many years of experience and with the inclination to professional upgrading, a very irrevocable moment for the social function of a teacher , relating to the specific learing disability (LSD) not only the problems are linked to the difficulties that slow the students’ learning but also the reluctance of teachers to choose learning strategies for all cases present in the class. This article will discuss several issues: are the particolar dynamics that typify the educative-teaching relationship existing among teachers and students with LSD.The theoric overview of educative-teaching strategies and methodologies, the direct knowledge of law reference and the knowledge of the latest information about LSD ,. Precisely, The articolgives a general consideration about lsd, and makes an analysis of risk indicators mentioned in the scientific literature and deals with a wide and detailed framework of relieved actions considered by law and of compensatory devices more suitable to semplify the requested intervention in the disability.

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How to Cite

Alumni DSA and teachers. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 13-20.


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