Is happiness influenced by relationships between special needed students and ordinary classroom?

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Davinia Hernández Etala
María Elena Díaz-Negrín
Carmen Delia Díaz Bolaños


The attention to the diversity is a topic that constitutes a challenge for the teachers of any educational stage for the expectations and doubts that the reality with this student generates. About these concerns, this research project focuses on knowing if implementing a sensitization program towards people with functional limitations upon the same range collective, improves their subjective assessment of wellness as individuals when such program is applied to them, also if the people with functional limitations who take part in the program benefits from it. The intervention is performed in a High School with students in exceptional schooling modality (enclave) and students of 3rd of ESO and 1st of PMAR (Program for the improvement of learning and performance), using as instruments the BIS-HERNÁN questionnaire (Hernández, P. 1996 and 2000) that measures the Individual Subjective Well-being of people, the register of behaviors of enclave classroom’s students, interviews to different representatives of the educational community and the participants of the intervention program “Do We Know Each Other?”. The results support the initial hypothesis that the program improves the subjective individual wellness but only for the female participants, resulting in a non-significant difference. It finds significant differences in the general level of happiness between males and females, discovering that males are happier than females. It also concludes that the program has benefited some of the students of the aula enclave, improving their behavior during class and break time.

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How to Cite

Is happiness influenced by relationships between special needed students and ordinary classroom?. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 31-40.


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