Training and professional profile of the graduate in pedagogy. Current perspective of their employment

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Susana Tallón Rosales
Mirian Hervás Torres
M. Tamara Polo Sánchez
Carolina Fernández Jiménez
María Fernández Cabezas


After these years of implementation of the Bologna process for the adaptation to the European higher education area in the current context, it is necessary to review how certain disciplines have strengthened their position in society. In this paper, we will focus on the evolution of the degree of pedagogy, as well as professional profile which plays, from the perspective of the protagonists themselves, the students, since they will be professionals who carry out their work in the immediate future in the society, and will implement those acquired skills, being responsible for transmitting this legacy. For this reason it is necessary of this research, coupled with the fact that around the definition of pedagogy, there is ambiguity and lack of knowledge regarding their functions and areas of professional activity. This study will allow having a vision contextualized on different working routes that this profession can carry out, in order to draw conclusions about its academic profile and therefore socio-labour, favoring an improvement of the image social of the pedagogue, which make it possible to reduce the uncertainty regarding this professional. The methodology used was descriptive and quantitative, with a non-experimental design by survey method. It shows total 334 students, belonging to the degree of pedagogy of the University of Granada, enrolled in the academic year 20162017. The results show that the figure of the pedagogue is a multidisciplinary professional who can cover different fields of action and not just linked to the field of education, but provides an opening to the business context. For this reason, the training (formal, non-formal, and business), is a basic pillar in our society. That is, where the importance of the figure of the pedagogue resides, and how it should position itself as the expert in these subjects.

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Training and professional profile of the graduate in pedagogy. Current perspective of their employment. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 295-306.


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