Evaluation of an educational intervention program in sexuality for people with acquired brain injury (ABI)

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María Honrubia Pérez
Esther Sánchez Raja


The ABI, is a multicausal pathology that affects young people, with the presence of important neurological squeals that have a negative impact on sexual functions, social and couple relationships in an important way. The evaluation of a program on sexuality for people who have suffered an ABI, aims to be a valid instrument to improve the altered sexuality aspects resulted from the pathology. Implementation of the 2013-16. Subjects: 54 people, 33 men and 21 women. The qualitative evaluation is done through a field notebook, to people with ABI and professionals. A session is held 3 months after implementing the program, to obtain information about changes in function and sexual relations. The evaluation is highly satisfactory for people with LCA and professionals in the institutions. The Intervention in sexuality educational programs for people with ABI are considered necessary to inform and provide strategies of action aimed at maintaining and establishing a healthy sexuality after the debut of the pathology, by the shortage of the same, and the growing demand of information on sexual activity after a (DCA).

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How to Cite

Evaluation of an educational intervention program in sexuality for people with acquired brain injury (ABI). (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 119-126. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2018.n1.v3.1231


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