¨Will to work¨ within project based learning

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María Fernández Cabezas
M. Tamara Polo SáncheZ
Carolina FernándeZ Jimenez
Susana Tallón Rosales
Mirian Hervás Torres


Currently, within the framework of the European Space for Higher Education, there is a need to adapt the teaching-learning methodologies carried out in the university. For this, now that the main focus of this process is the student, and the role of the teacher is the guide, there are numerous active methodologies that we, as teachers, can implement. Labrador and Andreu (2008) and De Miguel (2006) point out among them the case study, problem-based learning, or project-based learning, the latter being the one used in this study. The objective of this work is to implement this methodology in three grades of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Granada (Pedagogy, Social Education and Preschool), in a sample of 180 first and second year students, in order to study in what way measure influences its performance. The procedure followed has been to work in groups the different themes addressed in the subjects, in a practical way, so that they project the usefulness of what they have learned in a future work, as well as to achieve a significant learning. In order to know the development of the working groups, they were asked to complete the Will to work Scale and the peer Will to work Scale (Andrés, Abal, Lozzia, Gómez-Benito, Aguerri, Gilabert and Attorresi (2013). This paper highlights the different vision of individual work within the group compared to the perception of the work of the rest of the members that make it up. It is important to know how the groups works, because of the benefits that project-based learning can draw, reducing the limitations that may arise.

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How to Cite

¨Will to work¨ within project based learning. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 307-316. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2018.n1.v2.1232


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