What emotions do primary education students experience in the subject of nature sciences? Analysis of the block: "materia y energía"

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Irene Del Rosal
Maria Luisa Bermejo


There are many contexts in which emotions, and the intelligent use of them, are necessary for the integral development of the person. But without a doubt, and in relation to the field in which we find ourselves, emotional competences play a very important role in education. To understand many phenomena of our day to day is fundamental the study of science. Awakening scientific interest in children from an early age should be understood as one of the objectives of the education system. For this, schools must have adequate, entertaining and playful educational programs, where the emotional competences of the students are taken into account. The present research, included in the National Plan project (EDU2016-77007-R), is focused on Primary Education, at which point the emotions of the students begin to crystallize. The objective of our research is to analyze the emotions felt by Primary Education students in the subject of Natural Sciences, more specifically in the “Matter and Energy” block, through a non-experimental study. The sample is constituted by 151 students of Primary Education of different public schools of Extremadura. The results show that students begin to experience negative emotions such as boredom in this block

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How to Cite

What emotions do primary education students experience in the subject of nature sciences? Analysis of the block: "materia y energía". (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 377-386. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2018.n1.v2.1245


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