Bibliometric indicators on the tutorial action plan at the university for students with disabilities from 1988-2018

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Gonzalo Lorenzo Lledó
Asunción Lledó Carreres
Alejandro Lorenzo Lledó
Graciela Arráez Vera
Marcos Gómez - Puerta


The diversity present in university classrooms is an element that teachers are founding. There are many tools to respond to functional diversity and one of them is the tutorial action. The objective of this research is to analyze the scientific production of the tutorial action in the University for students with disabilities. For this purpose, the ISI Web of Science is used and the search terms tutorial action, disability and tutorial action plan are established; in Spanish and English. A sample of 78 articles is obtained and will be studied based on bibliometric indicators such as research areas, categories of the Web of Science, years of publication. The results indicate that the period 2015- 2016 produced the vast majority of the papers. Furthermore, English is the language of greatest scientific production. In spite of this, Spain is the largest producer on the subject, with the University of Granada and Burgos as the most outstanding centres. Finally, Education and Educational Research is the category and area of research where most articles are generated. However, the technological areas are gaining in importance due to the versatility of the technology. As future lines of research, the possibility of analysing the contents studied and the most studied educational areas is proposed.

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How to Cite

Bibliometric indicators on the tutorial action plan at the university for students with disabilities from 1988-2018. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 157-168.


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