New challenges in education. The impulse of service-learning and mentoring alternatives methodologies.

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Mirian Hervás Torres
M.Tamara Polo Sánchez
Carolina Fernández Jiménez
María Fernández Cabezas
Susana Tallón Rosales


Higher Education is facing the huge challenge of improving their productivity and competitiveness of the students, in addition to check what is its social function. Improving the quality of education and be more competent in the society is associated to promote alternative educational methodologies that allow connecting the curriculum with the reality, case of Service-Learning and mentoring. In this sense, the aim of this work was to explore the effectiveness of the Huelva Educa Program to improve the motivation, strategies of learning and social skills of mentors and school performance and school climate of “mentees”. The sample was composed of 79 students from the University of Huelva, and 69 compulsory students selected through a sampling non-probability convenience. The outcome shows that university students who participated, they have significantly improved behaviors related to learning strategies (e.g., time and environment study, metacognitive self-regulation or regulation of the effort), and de compulsory students has increased the quantity and quality of their interactions, as well as improvement in school performance. These outcomes suggest the necessity of the implementation of such programs based on alternative methodologies within the process of change that is suffering Higher Education.

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New challenges in education. The impulse of service-learning and mentoring alternatives methodologies. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 407-416.


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