Application of ICTs (On-Line Forms) as an active teaching methodology in postgraduate studies.

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J. Vicente García- Tormo


In the current Information Society there is a growing number of free or low-cost technological tools that can be used to improve training processes in higher education. This is the case of the online forms (Google Forms), which can be filled in with any mobile device, such as smartphones, tablets, computers... instruments that are used by students today permanently. Students are often not fully conscious of the progress in the acquisition of knowledge or skills involved in their participation in formal education. For this reason, in the context of an official postgraduate teaching degree recently introduced at the University of León, the University Master’s Degree in Sports Training and Performance, a technological instrument has been applied (on-line forms for collecting information) aimed at making students aware of their learning and progress in their competences related to the subjects they are studying. These forms have allowed those in charge of the subjects taught in these studies to collect information that can be quickly used in decision-making to adapt the training process to the needs and realities of the students, as well as to optimise and improve it. This initiative has been very well received by students and teaching staff, with a great participation and acceptance, providing a very positive image of innovation and current relevance of this official title of the University of León. This study has been developed within the Plan of support for teaching innovation of the University of León (PAID 2017), under the title “Application of ICTs (On-Line Forms) as an active teaching methodology in the Master’s Degree in Sports Training and Performance”.

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How to Cite

Application of ICTs (On-Line Forms) as an active teaching methodology in postgraduate studies. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 199-208.


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