"The group helped me not to stain. the advance in the duel process "

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elena guillen guillen


For Worden, mourning is the process by which the person is able to rebuild his world and himself without the lost object. It is about giving new meaning to the elements with which the subject must build his reality.

There is consensus to consider group psychotherapy as an effective treatment to treat various psychological disorders, including mourning. In addition to this, the efficient use of resources stands out from group therapy.

 In the present work a group psychotherapy program is presented for patients in process of complicated grief, where the following objectives are mainly worked: Identify and resolve separation conflicts that make the normal mourning process impossible; Emotional Support; facilitate acceptance of the loss and emotional relocation of the lost; promote expression and management of emotions; and facilitate problem solving. The program is based on the Irving.D psychotherapy models. Yalom (existential) and E. Pichon-Rivière (operative group), although some sessions are integrated with a psychoeducational approach. This program is carried out in a specialized mental health device in the public domain.

In addition to this description, the results obtained before and after treatment by the patients of one of the groups that was carried out in 2013 are compared. The evaluation questionnaires are: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Inventory of State-Trait Anxiety of Spielberger (STAI).

In general, there is a decrease in intensity of anxious-depressive symptomatology in patients during the treatment period. Likewise, patients positively value the possibility of expressing their emotions and understand and understand the process of acceptance of the loss. They also point out the importance of feeling identified with other members of the group and not feeling alone in the face of loss.

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How to Cite

"The group helped me not to stain. the advance in the duel process ". (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 469-476. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2015.n1.v2.126


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