The affective tutorship and the therapeutic change

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Cristina Santana Navarro
Mª Elena Díaz - Negrín
Isabel Luján Henríquez


The present work consists in the design of a proposal of an individualized intervention program, through affective tutoring, whose main objective is to generate possible changes in the way of facing the reality in the adolescent population, besides training the affective tutors who support and guide young people in their process of change. The proposal arises from the reflection carried out, on the one hand, by the number of cases of young people who exhibit maladaptive behaviours. This maladaptation or maladjustment causes conflicts in different areas of life whose influence and / or consequences are frequently observed in schools. On the other hand, from the appreciation of the lack of clarity and systematization existing in a resource offered as an element of help and support from the attention to diversity: affective mentoring. Thus, we have found a gap on what reeducation measures could be applied in each case, since no specific instruments have been defined that can be used by the affective tutor, nor clearly and concisely delimited by the participating population, since these tutorials are carry out without designating a professional trained in skills and knowledge to serve as help and support from the attention to diversity. Consequently, a proposal for individualized intervention is designed with the aim of overcoming this lack of concreteness and ambiguity in relation to what affective tutoring is, what variables are associated with them and how the tutoring process should be. It is a proposal based on specific theoretical models (theory of the cognitive- affective molds of Hernández-Guanir and third-generation contextual therapies), in which clear criteria are defined to select the participants, specific instruments and materials are designed and They establish sessions that offer specific training for the affective tutors as well as in the techniques and skills necessary for the intervention with the student. The results provided through in-depth interviews conducted with a pilot sample of teachers who have implemented the program, indicate as appropriate the procedure established, since they consider that it attends to the students in their personal, affective and social with positive results in all areas.

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How to Cite

The affective tutorship and the therapeutic change. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 229-238.


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