Attitudes toward sexuality and psychological well-being in older people.

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Vicente Morell-Mengual
Roberta Ceccato
Juan Enrique Nebot-García
Isabel Chaves
María Dolores Gil- Llario


The study of the factors that influence the active and healthy aging process is one of the main interests of psychogerontology. In this sense, psychological well-being is a reliable indicator that ensures the success of this process, while sexuality becomes a relevant modulating variable. The aim of this paper is to determine if attitudes towards sexuality and psychological well-being of ederly people are modulated by residence type, marital status and degree of autonomy. For this purpose, Ageing Attitude Scale on Sexuality and Psychological Well-Being Scale is used in a sample of 70 people, 35 women and 35 men, from 65 to 95 years old (M = 76.78; DT = 8.3). The results show that, in general, more liberal attitudes towards sexuality and greater psychological well-being are significantly associated with living outside residential institutions and maintaining a sentimental relationship with a stable partner. On the other hand, the degree of autonomy only obtains statistical significance in psychological well-being but not in attitudes towards sexuality. In conclusion, ederly people represent a stigmatised segment of the population (with many associated myths and negative beliefs), for this reason, this study contributes to create a positive conception of the aging process, normalizing behaviors and emphasizing the variables to be considered in the elaboration of intervention programs.

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How to Cite

Attitudes toward sexuality and psychological well-being in older people. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 77-84.


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