The psychology professinals performance in residences for the elderly.

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Jaime Gutiérrez Rodríguez
Marta Florencia Abril Herrero
María Elvira Zorzo
María Ángeles García Torres
Estefanía González Arranz
Lorena María Sahagún Flores


The COPCyL Aging Psychology Working Group believes is important to have a psychology professional within the interdisciplinary teams of the residential centers of elderly people in order to offer comprehensive care and quality. In order to make known what the role of this professional in the residences is presented a plan of action. It discusses their interventions by focusing, according to who they are directed, in the resident (cognitive, emotional and behavioral), in the family and in the institution. We think that in this way their performance and the need for their incorporation to work teams is justified. As a future line of work we introduce an instrument to train relational frames in older (MAREMA).

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How to Cite

The psychology professinals performance in residences for the elderly. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 107-120.


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