Divorce by the positive - parents help parents

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Marta Assis Loureiro


Increasingly, in Occidentalized societies, divorce is a growing reality and Portugal in not an exception. This family transition as increased the divorce rates in the last two decades, with along with some worrying indicators of educational and psychosocial nature, which, among other thematic realities derived from the families, have led to a demand and supply of several parental training programs. The impact of a marital separation in family dynamics could be huge, completed by a divorce between the parents but not their children. This paper presents the beginning of the project called “Positive Divorce - Parents helping parents”, intended for fathers and mothers (parents support group) who are separated or divorcing, which aims to reflect, analyze and share parents difficulties and good practices in parenthoods exercises, based on the principles of Positive Parenting combined with the Positive Discipline model and tools, promoted within a context reflective orientation group. We concluded that this support group has helped to further understanding and clarification certain common problems to these parents and families, as well as explore and find new solutions and intervention strategies in order to better manage and meet the challenges that both parents and children face after a marital separation and/or a divorce.

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Divorce by the positive - parents help parents. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 175-184. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2018.n1.v4.1290


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