Design and experimentation of a mooc course for immigrant carers for older persons: iene7 project.

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Ana Morales Montoya
Remedios López Liria
David Padilla Góngora
Patricia Rocamora Pérez
Pilar Díaz López
José Manuel Aguilar Parra


Introduction: Since September 2017, the research group Humanities-498 (Psychological intervention in development, education and guidance) of the University of Almeria, is working on a European project together with four other partners (Romania, United Kingdom and two communities of Italy) in the creation of an appropriate model of education for informal caregivers of the elderly who receive home care. This model will be the theoretical foundation that will support the creation of an adequate curriculum, with objectives, content and materials adapted to these groups of caregivers who are often disadvantaged groups (immigrants, people without education or at risk of social exclusion, etc.) . The tools and learning resources developed will be introduced in a platform developed to contain a MOOC Course (free online course available on the net for the entire international community translated into four languages) and a free license Smartphone application. The main objective of this project is to provide training for informal caregivers, improve their job opportunities, strengthen their position in the labor market and increase the quality of care for the elderly in various European countries. Methodology: you want to develop and pilot an Online Course (generally called MOOC) built with an innovative pedagogical approach to co-learning and based on digital technologies as facilitators of the teaching process. Aimed at people with different professional qualifications: nursing assistants, formal and informal caregivers, families, geriatric care specialist ... It is about creating an online community in the learning platform to share common interests and promote values  and positive interactions in the care of old people. Results: our proposal mainly addresses the disadvantaged groups of immigrants, many of them unskilled, to improve their professional, intercultural and social communication in order to increase their professionalism, employability, encourage their active participation and change the stigmatized attitudes of society and some institutions. It promotes innovative methods and pedagogies focused on the development of an open and innovative education through the use of ICT, which could be widely used in other contexts. Conclusions: this project aims to improve access, participation and learning of disadvantaged groups, horizontal priority of the ERASMUS + European programs

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How to Cite

Design and experimentation of a mooc course for immigrant carers for older persons: iene7 project. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 241-248.


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