Immediate acute effect of high intensity physical activity in adolescents’ memory

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Emilio J. Martínez López


Immediate acute effect of high intensity physical activity in adolescents’ memory. The aim of this study was to analyze the short-term effect of a high intensity physical activity program (HIIT) on memory in young students. It is a longitudinal quantitative study with an experimental group (GE n = 74) and a control group (GC n = 81). The GE underwent a 20-minute high intensity AF training early in the schoo before training), 9:15 (Post, immediately after training), 10:45 (M3, at 2 hours), and at 13, 15 (M4, four hours later). The memory was measured by an ad hoc test based on cards from the Spanish deck, where the participant had to watch carefully 15 cards shown for 20 seconds and memorize as many cards as possible. To obtain the results, ANOVA 2 (Group) x 4 (Time) was used. The results show an improvement of the memory in the adolescents of the experimental group (p smaller than 0.05). Differences were also obtained according to the sex, and level of weekly physical activity of the participants. These results suggest that performing a physical activity program of intensity wing, early in the morning, can help improve the memory of adolescents. l day. Memory measurements were recorded at 8:15 in the morning (Pre, just before training), 9:15 (Post, immediately after training), 10:45 (M3, at 2 hours), and at 13, 15 (M4, four hours later). The memory was measured by an ad hoc test based on cards from the Spanish deck, where the participant had to watch carefully 15 cards shown for 20 seconds and memorize as many cards as possible. To obtain the results, ANOVA 2 (Group) x 4 (Time) was used. The results show an improvement of the memory in the adolescents of the experimental group (p smaller than 0.05). Differences were also obtained according to the sex, and level of weekly physical activity of the participants. These results suggest that performing a physical activity program of intensity wing, early in the morning, can help improve the memory of adolescents.

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How to Cite

Immediate acute effect of high intensity physical activity in adolescents’ memory. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 387-394.


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