Training needs for immigrant caregivers of older people in the home in europe: iene7 project.

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Patricia Rocamora Pérez
Remedios López Liria
David Padilla Góngora
Ana Morales Montoya
Pilar Díaz López
José Manuel Aguilar Parra


Introduction: The European project IENE7 brings together five partners (two in Italy, the United Kingdom, Romania and the research group HUM-498 Psychological Intervention in Development, Education and Guidance of the University of Almeria) with the common objective of developing an appropriate model of education aimed at informal caregivers of the older people who receive care at home. This collective of caregivers comes in a high percentage from disadvantaged groups (immigrants, people without education or at risk of social exclusion, etc.). The main objective in this phase of the project is to get to know the care needs of the older people in the home, as well as the training needs of their caregivers, in this European context in which the project is developed. Methodology:A review of the scientific literature was carried out both nationally (Spain, Italy, United Kingdom and Romania) and internationally. Results: The analysis of needs, from our double perspective (care needs for the older people and training needs for their informal caregivers) can be summarized in six key aspects: 1) Loneliness, 2) Communication problems, 3) Person-centred and culturally appropriate care, 4) Restricted mobility, 5) Safeguarding issues (ethical and legal aspects of care), 6) Social and health resources. Conclusions: The knowledge of these needs of care of the older people and the needs of training of their informal caregivers is an essential starting point for the proposal and development of an appropriate model of education aimed at this group of caregivers, capable of responding to them, which constitutes the general objective of our European project IENE7, to address this important and urgent social demand

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How to Cite

Training needs for immigrant caregivers of older people in the home in europe: iene7 project. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 257-266.


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