Systemic crisis, “technological” problem and the subsiguent subdesarrollo in the sphere of the production as to that of the circulation

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Luciano Vasapollo


In the current situation, we are witnessing the condition described by Gramsci: the saturation of national markets has decided the end of capitalisms and national bourgeoisies. The new capitalism, of greater innovative content, does not come from its link to the income positions present in the old model of production still excessively linked to Fordist production, relocated to areas where there are lower wages and less labor legislation. In the current phase of a profound readjustment of the productive forces, it is essential to identify an instrument that can give us a measure of innovation and the course of technological progress; I think that the best instrument from this point of view are patents, which allow us to analyze both the phase and the search for indications about the near future. In the updating of the theory of imperialism, patents develop a fundamental role, because they offer a measure of the diversification of the last productive force and, more generally, of what are the relations between science and its application to production. True, the world does not end here in our capitalist world. The idea also of the occidental-centric theory of the economic democracy that the revolutionary rupture must or can reach the highest points of capitalist development is an error. Independently build their own perspectives moving immediately in the total autonomy of any consociative, concert and co-management model of the crisis. Only in this way can we continue moving decisively towards popular economic democracy and the possible Socialism of the 21st century, as is happening in the ALBA countries. The new martiian and guevarian man must start with us, because our personal relations of a new participatory socio-economic planning.

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Systemic crisis, “technological” problem and the subsiguent subdesarrollo in the sphere of the production as to that of the circulation. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 279-292.


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