Early attention in prematury. A case study.

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M. Alcalá Cerrillo
A. Gibello Rufo
M. Casallo Tamayo
I. Ortega Lepe


Background: within the scientific literature authors such as Martínez (2008) or Vericat and Orden in 2017 show a significant increase of prematurity at world level and the importance of early onset in neonatal intensive care units. That is why it is considered a health problem which proves necessary to keeping on research in order to get a better attention, quality and specialization of the services present in a baby s development and their family.

Case description: our research presents a study of a prematurity case of Early Attention Service in Cáceres attendance is presented. The aim for this attendance is to carry out a kind of intervention which allows them to improve the different development areas under what is considered normal, considering the chronological age of the attendee. Objective: to describe the assessment, intervention and follow up process from the Early Attention Service. Procedure: during 45 bi-weekly sessions of 45 minutes each a study is carried out. Throughout these individual sessions, the different deficit aspects found through the Brunet- Lézine Scale are worked through. Results: after the intervention carried out by the stimulating subject improvements on the motor area is observed.

Conclusions: results show the importance of a development of a program adapted to the user s individual needs, their family and their environment in order to equilibrate the maturity age with the chronological one in the least time possible.

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Author Biographies

M. Alcalá Cerrillo, Universidad de Extremadura

Asociación de Padres para la Integración en Cáceres

A. Gibello Rufo, Universidad de Extremadura.

Asociación de Padres para la Integración en Cáceres

M. Casallo Tamayo, Universidad de Extremadura

Asociación de Padres para la Integración en Cáceres

I. Ortega Lepe, Universidad de Extremadura

Asociación de Padres para la Integración en Cáceres

How to Cite

Early attention in prematury. A case study. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 23-30. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2019.n1.v2.1383


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