Gender differences over a validation of an instrument to evaluate happiness in a Secondary education students’ sample
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In the field of education there is high interest in emotional scope, especially in earlier stages. These scope must be evaluated to check this efficiently. The objective of this paper is to validate a questionnaire to assess Happiness. To prevent the validity be adversely affected, we applied analysis to both genders separately. To make it possible we focused on 811 participants from seven educational centers; 71.6% of the total were Muslims and 28.4% belonged to the Christian religion, 46.1% were male and 53.9% female. The technique used in this survey is a questionnaire built to evaluate Happinnes. The results show high levels of reliability for both genders (Cronbachs’ of .897 in male sample and .908 in females). The dimensions are different (women 5 and men 6) for both groups. There are positive correlations between totals and the dimensions that make them. Therefore this questionnaire is an appropriate tool to evaluate these capabilities after making some modifications in future works. It is more appropriate to apply the analysis separately.
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