Study of the paranoid trends

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Isaac Encinas Martín


At present, emphasis is being placed on fostering attachment in early childhood. What doubt is that this action is very important but we must not forget that th human being throughout his life goes through different stages that are evolutionary and it is true that in them we observe that the fundamental characteristics to be given must be left and they have their consequences. The consequence of the attachment is that to allow the evolution of the baby, it leaves the stage of symbiosis with the mother through paranoid tendencies. We believe it is important to know and know how to interpret the child’s fears and rages for their proper evolution, as well as the trends associated with them.

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Author Biography

Isaac Encinas Martín

Psicoterapeuta. Médico

How to Cite

Study of the paranoid trends. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 101-108.


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