A proposal of intervention from positive Psychology, to face the most common struggles of the students of the Bachelor in Management Education, in the process of immersion to their professional practices
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Management Education students carry out internships during the last three
semesters of the curricular plan. Although university managers and teachers (tutors / mentors) make the necessary arrangements to plan the participation of students in institutional activities, the social reality of how organizations work makes the process of immersion more difficult for students, who face struggles of various kinds that make them feel upset, frustrated and unmotivated.
Research project “The management of the curriculum in the final training path of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN) educational management degree” has allowed to keep track of the management practices of the LAE curriculum, related to the planning, offer and coordination of the curricular spaces of professional practices and their impact on school learning.
An important part of the management of the curriculum in the LAE refers to the attention and accompaniment of students in the process of performing professional practices, especially at the stage of immersion in new settings, programs or projects. We have identified the most common struggles faced by students at this stage and whose negative impact. In these circumstances, a pertinent and timely intervention, based on the methods, resources and techniques offered by Positive Psychology, will reduce the negative impact of the problems detected and provide students with personal and emotional strengths, as well as social skills that promote acquisition of the expected learning.
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How to Cite
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