Study visits- a key element in the learning of foreign languages

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Florbela Lages Antunes Rodrigues


A study visit should be attractive to students so that everyone feels motivated to participate, regardless of the various courses they attend or their eventual specificity. And because culture always has educational purposes, the purpose of this activity is to sensitize students to the importance of their training as social and cultural beings, and what is proposed with these study visits is a link to the cultural heritage of the various cities that are visited, the knowledge they acquire from places of interest such as muse ums, theatres, historical monuments - some, UNESCO world heritage - contact with theoretical and physical contents and communication in a foreign language. Once the students’ interest and curiosity are aroused, they should prepare themselves to explore the themes proposed during the various visits. The experience of several years has shown very positive results, since the study visits are not mere trips, but they are part of a strategy that allows to complement, consolidate and extend contents approached in class context. They are, in short, tools that, in parallel with the lessons, facilitate and improve the acquisition of scientific, linguistic and cultural knowledge.

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Author Biography

Florbela Lages Antunes Rodrigues, Instituto Politécnico da Guarda- UDI

Profesora Departamento de Psicología y Antropología

Facultad de Educación
Universidad de Extremadura

How to Cite

Study visits- a key element in the learning of foreign languages. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 165-170.


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