University social responsibility: service-learning experience in the teacher's Degrees-Upna
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Service and Learning (SL) contributes to the articulation of fundamental dimensions of
knowledge that, usually, in the university sphere are separated: theory and practice, classroom and reality, as well as training and commitment (Speck, 2001). The studies that bet for the inclusion of this methodology for the development of basic and instrumental competences in the Teacher’s Degrees are numerous (Rodríguez Gallego, 2014, Rodríguez-Martín, Agudo Prado, Álvarez-Arregui, 2017, López-Fernández and Benítez -Porres, 2018). An intervention of university social responsibility is developed that pursues a double objective: a) to respond the demand of a CPEIP of Pamplona to implement cooperative methodologies in the 1st to 3rd year of EP, through shared teaching with students of the Teacher’s Degrees and b) that university students can acquire competency-based learning of the professional profile in the natural educational context. From the university the voluntary participation of N = 99 students is encouraged (n = 63 in the course 2017/18 and n = 36 in the present course 2018/19), throughout two school years, with a distribution by sex (85 ♀ and 14 ♂) proportional to that of the Teacher’s Degrees. Regarding the participating teachers, 5 university teachers (teachers of five subjects), are involved in the awareness, monitoring and evaluation of volunteers; from the school 12 teachers design and develop Mathematical Workshops, Art Proposals, Reading Corner, Research Activities, etc. The self-assessment of the students highlights the maximum development of two competences CE4-Design and regulate learning spaces in diversity, multicultural and multilingual contexts; Address the unique needs of students, gender equality, equity, respect and human rights and CE5-Deepen in the contexts of learning and school living, acceptance of standards, perseverance, personal discipline and respect to others.
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