A psycholeducational and musical intervention in primary education
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This work is framed in apractice in the degree of psychology. The needs of the center where the practicum took place, aswell as the musical training of the student, promote a psychoeducational intervention from the music in a classroom of primary education.
A review of the different studies related to music education allows us to claim that music is an excellent instrument of education that contributes and encourages the comprehensive development of the students (Jauset, 2017; Bisquerra, 2017; Blasco, 2016; Andreu and Godall, 2012). Therefore, the main goal of our study is to contribute to the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of a student group of primary education through a musical intervention in the classroom. In addition, given the specific characteristics of the group, we aim to increase and improve the relations between the students, as well as to facilitate to the teacher different resources and musical tools for the approach of the music in the classroom.
From three musical sessions, we work on aspects such as emotions, personal wellbeing and the improvement of harmony and cohesion in the group. Due to the brevity of the intervention, the evaluation of the experienced changes in the classroom is based on the perception of the teacher, as well as the participant observation of the student who performs the intervention. Studies like we present defend the presence of musical education in the school as a psychoeducational resource that contributes positively to the student’s development.
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How to Cite
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