Anxiety and self-efficacy in caregivers of Alzheimer patients

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Ángel Sánchez- Anguita Muñoz


Background: In Spain, Alzheimer’s disease is the first of degenerative diseases by number of patients, as well as the first cause of dementia in the elderly population. In a high percentage of these cases, it is the families who take care of these patients. And of these caregivers, 65% of them will suffer vital changes and a decrease in their psycho-physical health, reaching 20% to develop pictures of Burnout. Objectives: To find out the levels of anxiety and self-efficacy in caregivers of Alzheimer patients. Raising the hypothesis that there are differences in the variables under study depending on the aid, hours of dedication and seniority in care. Sample: We selected a sample of 56 caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients through the Alzheimer’s Association of Salamanca. Method: They were given a test of anxiety STAI (Spielberger) and another of self-efficacy (Sherer) and collected demographic data, daily dedication, caregiver seniority and external AIDS received. Data were tabulated and descriptive and inferential statistics were found through the SPSS. Results: The results indicate that variables such as self-efficacy and anxiety are modulated with respect to time of dedication to care, reducing anxiety and increasing self-efficacy with their duration. The same thing happens with these variables regarding the antiquity of caregiver. And according to the aid they receive, the psychologists provide more self-efficacy while medical aid gives less anxiety. Conclusions: The research hypothesis has been verified so the greater antiquity in the care facilitates to improve its anxiety and to increase the self-efficacy. Dedication time provides greater self-efficacy and less anxiety. And professional external aids are positive for the caregiver’s health, although they provide greater self- efficacy and less anxiety depending on the specialty of those who provide them.

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How to Cite

Anxiety and self-efficacy in caregivers of Alzheimer patients. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 259-268.


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