Personal sense of role and coping strategies in patient caregivers in hemodialysis

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Yadira Grau Valdés
Rosamary Rodriguez Umpierre
Lesnay Martínez Rodríguez


This research was conducted in the care unit for patients with hemodialysis of the “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Hospital of the city of Villa Clara in the period that comprises from between September 2018 to January 2019. We pursued the objective of establishing the relation between coping strategies and expression indicators of the personal sense of role in caregivers of patients with hemodialysis. The sample was composed of 48 primary caregivers of patients being treated for renal replacement. We  assumed a mixed research approach with a design of multiple integration taking into account the two stages the study comprises.In the course of the analysis, Targeting was identified as the commonest coping strategy used by caregivers in solving the problem. Similarly, Emotional Expression was identified as the less used. As indicators of expression of personal sense of role in caregivers we determined developing experience, positive emotional relationship and remuneration and perception of overload. For the study sample, no significant relation between coping strategies and indicators of expression of personal sense of the role were established. Meanwhile, the internal relation of both variables is recognized.

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How to Cite

Personal sense of role and coping strategies in patient caregivers in hemodialysis. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 269-282.


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