Emotion and motivation in tea and early attention

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Rocío García Pascual
Alfredo Rebaque Gómez
Mª Ángeles García Mata
Jana Blanco Fernández
Ana María de Caso Fuertes


Motivation and emotion are fundamental elements for learning. When we speak of early development and ASD, these two dimensions acquire a greater weight due to socio-emotional deficits, restricted interests and stereotyped behaviors that  prevent children with ASD from being linked in the same way to adults and others. There is wide evidence of the benefits of initiating a specialized intervention in ASD, even though there are only risk signs, that could have an impact on the improvement of the symptoms of the disorder (Dawson, 2008). This document shows the implementation of a program of intervention with scientific evidence in the state of implementation: PACT. Having advanced in two of the phases with 3 children are already evidence of their benefit, as well as the use of strategies to monitor the child’s motivation, control of emotional state, link them to emotional states of play and putting words improve the shared attention of the children, their communication and communicative intention, the appearance of greater language, a greater social motivation and a greater expression of affection.

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How to Cite

Emotion and motivation in tea and early attention. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 13-22. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2019.n1.v3.1446


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