Extremadura, green, white, black. Advances in high capacities
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The attention to the students of AACC presents many differences according to the educational policies of the different Autonomous Communities. There is a wide variability both in the theoretical consideration of the high intellectual capacities, and in the attention that these students receive in the autonomic framework, being the detection / enrichment programs developed, the training that the teachers receive (courses, postgraduates, etc.) and attitudes towards the consideration of high capacity, resources that suppose an advantage or a disadvantage when facing the challenge that involves the identification and attention to the educational needs of these students in the inclusive school. As a consequence of these differences, the number of students identified varies substantially between those communities that began in past decades to invest resources in the care of these students and others that have less experience in their educational inclusion. The current regulations in Extremadura pose difficulties for families and education professionals to meet the educational needs of these students. Among them we can find the training, beliefs and attitudes of teachers and their involvement in the identification, evaluation and educational response to these students. However, in recent years there have been changes in this panorama, with different actions in favor of this group, developed both from the educational administration and from associations and private entities. In this paper we propose to explore the current situation of care for these students in Extremadura, compared to other autonomous communities, expose and assess the proposals that have been developed more recently and have been translated into specific programs developed at the initiative of the centers themselves educational, with extracurricular performances at public and private level that try to respond to the specific educational support needs presented by these students.
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