Relationships between attitudes towards inclusive education, self-efficacy and teaching
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This study pretends to recognize the relationships between attitudes towards inclusive education, self-efficacy and teacher’s resilience and other socio-professional variables, taking into account a sample of 300 teachers (82.3% men and 17.7% women). This teachers are active and aged between 23 and 63, they work in the Dominican Republic with students with Special Educational Needs -SEN-, associated or not with disabilities, who are in a low sociocultural environment and socially vulnerable. Teachers filled the Scale of Teacher Attitudes Towards Inclusive Classrooms- STATIC-, the Teacher Self-efficacy Scale and the Teacher Resilience Scale. The results coincide with other studies that show the existence of a positive relationship between the training that teachers already have, the knowledge related to attention to diversity and their willingness to continue training themselves, with their attitude towards inclusive education, as well as towards self-perception of specific competences, self-efficacy and teachers’ resilience. This work stresses the importance of teacher resilience in the area of inclusive education. Engagement of the educational system together with the adquisition of technical skills, such as possitive attitude and commitment to inclusive education, is required so that the future teachers can be hightly self-effictive and resilient.
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