Succesful antendents own-value added for higer education in Cololmbia

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Edgardo Sánchez
Marcial Conde
Freddy Marín
Alicia Incarte
Jesús Nicasio García
Judith García-Martín


In recent years, various successful strategies have been tried, from the context of the university itself, as well as from other international contexts. These empirical backgrounds, supported by impressionistic data or validated with international evidence, justify the formalization of a university teaching research and innovation program focused on the generic competences of critical reading LC and textual construction CT. For this, it seems pertinent to analyze these antecedents, first of the context itself and then those coming from external and international contexts. In the recent self-report for the accreditation
of the university institution before the Ministry of National Education, different successful
strategies were identified, whose logic and manner of implementation is worth reviewing for the development of the subject that concerns us. On the one hand, strategies such as the use of rubrics, the accompaniment of activities, are being promoted, suggesting the promotion of active methodologies such as ABP, MC, or eLearning, whether through MOOCs or other means. In the first place, it is convenient to review the strategies used for factor 2, students, especially in terms of permanence; and the strategies to alleviate the desertion and that is extended in the factor 9 of institutional well-being. Second, the strategies implemented for teacher factor 3 seem very relevant for this research. It is convenient to review the strategies successfully implemented for good teaching practices, teacher training in initial teaching, teacher support plan (PAD). Third, the review of the actions and strategies used in factor 8 of self-evaluation and self-assessment are of great interest. Other successful experiences of great interest are also reviewed. “Competitive Research Project CONVÍNDEX No. 13-2018, Project Code INV. 150-01-007-13 University of the Coast (Colombia) - University of León (Spain). Evaluated by the ACAC (MEN Colombia)”

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How to Cite

Succesful antendents own-value added for higer education in Cololmbia. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 109-120.


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