Evaluation and teaching methodologies and their incident in generic competences: theoretical perspectives

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Freddy Marín González
Jesús Nicasio Garcia
Alicia Inciarte
Edgardo Sánchez
Marcial Conde
Judit García-Martín


The purpose of the paper is to approximate the construction of a theoretical framework of sustenance that allows understanding the interrelation between the variables identified
in the study. Specifically, the theoretical construction covers five perspectives of analysis, namely: competency-focused teaching and the EHEA; active university methodologies towards a ubiquitous web 4.0; the instructional, psychological and curricular dimension; instrument validation technology and the validation of scientifically based interventions based on empirical indicators (IBE). This research project aims to study the teaching methodologies and the transversal evaluation forms of the subjects, with emphasis on the generic competences of critical reading and textual construction; the analysis of the teaching practices and the training needs of the student is foreseen, as a reference for the conception of efficient strategies that contribute to improve the teaching-learning process. The methodological approach is focused on systematic review and analysis processes, which allow the theoretical deepening of the various theoretical constructs, with the focus on generating a relational system of categories and theoretical approaches that provide light for the construction of instruments evaluation as strategies of action and contribute in the improvement of teaching and in the quality of education and impact on better academic results in university students in generic competency tests. It concludes with the need for a theoretical framework around five axes that guides and guides the process of research, interpretation of data and evidence and the protocol of action and proposals for improving the quality of teaching. It is expected to provide lights not only for the application and teacher improvement, but also for the theoretical implications that arise from them, and allow an adequate articulation of the different scientific constructs measured and to give
meaning to the current gaps in scientific knowledge about the topic. “Competitive Research Project CONV-ÍNDEX No. 13-2018, Project Code INV. 150-01-007-13 University of the Coast (Colombia) - University of León (Spain). Evaluated by the ACAC (MEN Colombia)”

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How to Cite

Evaluation and teaching methodologies and their incident in generic competences: theoretical perspectives. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 187-198. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2019.n1.v3.1469


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