Prescription of Physical Activity in primary care, assessment of factors influencing adherence to treatment and possible improvements

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We check for abandonment of physical activity programs and analyzing several variables, the most frequently reported by patients, to identify which of them may be the main reasons for poor adherence to treatment of physical activity in primary care.

Methodology: A prospective longitudinal study from January 2015 to November 2015 with no sequential random sampling ZBS Nijar, 133 patients with exercise prescription by an exercise program adapted to their condition, without exclusion criteria. A labor problem that prevents you from performing activity schedules, transportation problem or knowing the language, and others that are important as if you have prescription: physiotherapy assessment interview for data collection and assessment of whether there is performed the following variables electrotherapy, type of pathology which is derived and source of referral.

Results: Contrast discuss independence with crosstabs using Spss 22. We get a high percentage of treatment dropout and significant relationship between the abandonment of the exercise program and not knowing the language. p 0.02, showing that it is more likely drop out of treatment if the language is unknown. 

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Jefe de estudios en Ceip El Puche.

How to Cite

Prescription of Physical Activity in primary care, assessment of factors influencing adherence to treatment and possible improvements. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 125-134.


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