Psychological resilience through age and sex resilience.

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Maria José Gínez-Silva
Consuelo Morán Astorga
José David Urchaga-Litago


Is a topic of great scientific interest in the field of positive psychology. Resilience is the ability of the human being to overcome adversity and emerge stronger from it. The objective of this work was to find out the differences in resilience based on age and sex. The participants were 858 people between 16 to 65 years old, from León (Spain). 52% were women. Four groups were established according to age: 1) adolescents, 2) young people, 3) adults-young and 4) adults. The Connor-Davidson Scale of Resilience-25 (CDRISC) of Connor and Davidson (2015) was applied. The data obtained were entered into the SPSS to perform univariate comparative analyzes (ANOVAs) with resilience as a dependent variable and age and sex groups as fixed factors. The results indicate that there are differences in resilience according to age group, adolescents are less resilient than adults. Differences were also found by sex in the group of adolescents and in the group of adults. We can conclude that, although the differences are not significant, the variability in resilience is considerably different among adolescents: males are more resilient than females in this group. In opposition, in the group of adults, women appear more resilient than men.

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How to Cite

Psychological resilience through age and sex resilience. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 85-94.


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