Educate resilience from painting, cinema and theater

Main Article Content

Carlos Martín Bravo


“Educate about resilience from painting, film and theater” aims to show the need to connect these disciplines to complex problems. In this sense, the present communication starts from the idea that it is possible to: A) Educate in resilience from painting; we choose Géricault’s painting, “The raft of the jellyfish” to analyze. B) Educate in resilience from cinema; this time we introduce the thought of a great film director, John Ford, one of his best movies: “ The young Lincoln”. And C) Educate in resilience from theater, Aristophanes, a prominent playwright of the classical period, his wonderful work “The cloud” is our chioce. This communication ends up with a debate that highlights the usefulness of resilient responses to the dramas that are collected (situations of cannibalism, accusation of murder and elder abuse) and its usefulness in current situations.

Article Details



Author Biography

Carlos Martín Bravo, Universidad de Valladolid

Departamento de Psicología. Facultad de Educación de Palencia

How to Cite

Educate resilience from painting, cinema and theater. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 173-182.


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