Analysis of the narrative and pictorial expression of future teachers.

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María Dolores Jurado Jiménez
María Cristina Salvador Robles


Implicit beliefs and ideas about education influence the educational practice of teachers (Pontes Pedrajas, Poyato López and Oliva Martínez, 2017: 57). Therefore, it is essential to analyze, from a psycho-socio-educational perspective, the perception that future educating professionals have about education. The main objective of this work is to analyze (short stories and pictorial expressions) what are some of the beliefs about education that future pre-school teachers have when they start their education. This study is based on a qualitative research methodology, where the short stories and the pictorial representations made by university students about their educational stage of pre-school education have been taken as axes of the analysis. The information has been registered throughout this academic year 2018/2019, in which 78 students from the University of Seville have participated. In this work the narrative contents and the pictorial representations that the student body exposes are analyzed in an exploratory and descriptive way. Taking as fundamental axes the following:
1. Concept of education and psycho-educational values that are highlighted as important in the pre-school education stage.
2. Pre-school education activities that are emphasized in written form based on the educational experiences of each student.
3. Psycho-socio-educational aspects of drawings and representations of pre-school education.
The results show progress in ideas that may be useful to explore with teachers in training, on
the relationship of their own educational experiences and the projections of educational processes for the exercise of teaching. And in the discussion, the importance of doing this work of narrative and pictorial analysis from a transdisciplinary perspective is exposed

Article Details



Author Biography

María Dolores Jurado Jiménez, Universidad de Sevilla

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

How to Cite

Analysis of the narrative and pictorial expression of future teachers. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 309-320.


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International Journal