Strategy for student health care: experience at a brazilian university

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Henrique Cesar Cardoso do Couto
Aline da Costa Jerônimo


Discussions about public health services in Brazil have been widely disseminated, mainly related to access difficulties, discrepancies between legislation and reality, between implementation and implementation, existence of large waiting lines for care, among other issues. In this sense, this work seeks to discuss the constitution of the Embracement as a proposal of work in clinical psychology school, aiming at confronting access to psychological health services and, simultaneously, contributing to the training of the psychologist. The Embracement is carried out by the trainees of the project of extension “Clínica de Psicologia: um olhar em atenção à saúde do estudante”. This project is aimed at the psychosocial care of the student community of the Federal University of Pará, Belém campus and develops its activities in the institution’s school-clinic. The Embracement is the first listening offered to the student who seeks the school-clinic and, in general, is also the first experience of the student with some modality of psychological care. Thus, the proposed reflection is that the Embracement is based on the concept of extended clinic and interdisciplinary work between Psychology, Social Service and Psychiatry. As for the contribution of psychology, guided by the psychoanalytic framework, we highlight two possibilities for collaboration: the Freudian understanding of the beginning of treatment and the concept of transference. Finally, we emphasize that the great characteristic of the Embracement is its interdisciplinary proposal, as well as its contribution to the formation of the Psychologist, since the Embracement presents itself as a rich field of supervised listening.

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Author Biography

Henrique Cesar Cardoso do Couto, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Profesora Departamento de Psicología y Antropología

Facultad de Educación
Universidad de Extremadura

How to Cite

Strategy for student health care: experience at a brazilian university. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 189-196.


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