The quaternary prevention and the iceberg of the pseudo-diseases, incidentalomas and afins!

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Júlia Maria Guilherme Ribeiro Antunes


The sea of pseudo-diseases, incidentalomas, abnormalities and dysfunctions, seems to have
no end, as well as increasingly sophisticated, more sensitive means of diagnosis, without correlation with clinical symptoms, subjective complaints, or natural history of the disease, has been called “reservoir of diseases or pseudo diseases” and seems to feed products, services and technologies with great impact on the economies of our time.  Despite the pursuit of perfect health, fashionable and moral obligation, constantly scrutinizing hypothetical diseases and risk factors that magnify them enormously, subjectively, people feel sicker! Barski called it the “health paradox”! The intense medicalization of daily life turns healthy people into chronically ill people! Current Preventive Medicine is quite different from that which existed in the 19th century. XX, much enlarged by the fears, aligns with the health industry in an endless series of examinations, clinical acts, observations that feed markets that are worth billions of dollars like those of ritalin and oxycodone! Quaternary prevention has come in recent years to give hope to all those who wish to look at the health / disease problem.

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Author Biography

Júlia Maria Guilherme Ribeiro Antunes, Unidade de Saude Egas Moniz

Médica e Médica Dentista

Prof. Auxiliar

How to Cite

The quaternary prevention and the iceberg of the pseudo-diseases, incidentalomas and afins!. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 411-416.


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