Resiliency, transition to parenthood and adoptation: an explorative survey

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Giulia Carta
Francesca Boldrini
Simona De Stasio
María Cristina Rappazzo


Objectives Transition to parenthood represents a crucial process, followed by significant changes concerning individual and familial psychological wellbeing. Adoptive parenthood can be particularly critical. Knowing how to support resilient attitude of adopting families can lead to successful adoption. Our main aim was to analyse coping strategies and processes that characterize adoption. Materials and Methods 19 families, attending courses on adoption, were recruited; parental age ranges from 35 to 65 yrs. An ad-hoc semi-structured interview based on the three assumptions of familiar resiliency (systems of belief, organizational set-ups and communicative processes) was used. Results Qualitative analysis has been performed by three independent referees.
According to 53% of the interviewed, adoption represents the opportunity to expand family; for the 47%, negative circumstances after adoption have been overcame by the attitude of husband and wife to hold out together; in the 37% of the cases, the more apt to give strength to the couple, are the stability of the relationship and enduring dialogue, in order to follow a shared course of action.
Out of the family, the social resources most frequently utilized in the first months after the adoption were: extended family (63%), friends (47%) and professionals (74%). The 100% of families feels able to talk about adoption with children. Conclusions The attitude of adoptive couples to set-up effective coping strategies and adaptive abilities to the new situation disclose an excellent familiar resiliency. Supporting families proves of the utmost importance, giving attention to protective factors within the couple, during the transition to adoptive parenthood.

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Author Biographies

Giulia Carta, Department of Human Studies Lumsa, Roma, Italy

Department of Human Studies
Lumsa, Roma, Italy

Francesca Boldrini, Department of Human Studies Lumsa, Roma, Italy

Department of Human Studies
Lumsa, Roma, Italy

Simona De Stasio, Department of Human Studies Lumsa, Roma, Italy

Department of Human Studies
Lumsa, Roma, Italy

María Cristina Rappazzo, Department of Human Studies Lumsa, Roma, Italy

Department of Human Studies
Lumsa, Roma, Italy

How to Cite

Resiliency, transition to parenthood and adoptation: an explorative survey. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 289-296.


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